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单位:天津财经大学     作者:靳琰,王书凝,郭文雅     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-23

摘 要:随着各大高校基础设施扩建,优秀的导视系统设计在其中发挥着更加重要的作用。作为展示高校风貌和文化最直观、最清晰的部分,其设计风格是否符合校园文化底蕴,色彩基调是否统一,与校园文化背景是否契合,功能是否完备,都对高校整体形象有直接影响。文章基于对我国各地高校导视系统的实地调研,结合天津财经大学教学楼导视系统设计的实践探索,提出高校导视系统设计的创意化、实用性、整体性、人性化、技术化原则。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the expansion of university infrastructure, excellent guide system design plays a more important role. As the most intuitive and clear part of displaying the style and culture of colleges and universities, whether its design style is in line with the campus culture, whether the color tone is unified, whether it is consistent with the campus culture background, whether its function is complete or not has a direct impact on the overall image of Colleges and universities. Based on the on-the-spot investigation of the guiding system of colleges and universities in China, combined with the practical exploration of the guiding system design of the teaching building of Tianjin University of Finance and economics, this paper puts forward the principles of creativity, practicality, integrity, humanity and technicality in the design of the guiding system of colleges and universities.

Key Words:Campus culture; Guide system; Design