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单位:北京工商大学     作者:黄英英,梁珣     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-23

摘 要:本文对外卖餐具回收状况进行研究,探索设计解决策略。运用服务设计理念与方法,分析利益相关人,探索用户旅程图、系统图等,发现痛点,探寻解决策略。将服务设计理念运用到外卖餐具回收的服务模式的设计中,提高使用者对垃圾回收的积极性,提升用户体验,从而减少污染,保护环境,促进外卖行业的绿色持续发展。


中图分类号:J02 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper is to study the recycling situation of take-out tableware and to explore design solutions. Apply service design concepts and methods, analyze stakeholders, explore user journey diagrams, system diagrams, etc., find pain points, and find solutions. Applying the service design concept to the design of the service model of takeaway tableware recycling will increase users' enthusiasm for garbage recycling and enhance the user experience, thereby reducing pollution, protecting the environment, and promoting the green and sustainable development of the takeaway industry.

Key Words:Take-out tableware; recycling system; service model design; recycling strategy