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单位:湖南工业大学...     作者:陈亚平     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-23

摘 要:色彩心理学是一门研究色彩与人们心理关系的一门科学。人们日常生活中,离不开色彩的作用与影响。在室内设计中,室内空间的色彩在不同程度上影响着人们的心理空间、时间和温度,色彩的心理因素往往是设计师不可忽视的关键点。本文通过对色彩学原理及色彩心理学在室内设计中的应用探讨,论述了如何利用不同民族、不同环境、不同性别年龄的色彩心理差异性进行室内设计。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Color psychology is a science that studies the relationship between color and people's psychology. In People's Daily life, cannot leave the effect of colour and influence. In interior design, the color of interior space affects people's psychological space, time and temperature to different degrees, and the psychological factor of color is often the key point that designers cannot ignore.This paper discusses the application of color theory and color psychology in interior design, and discusses how to make use of the differences of color psychology in different nationalities, different environments, different genders and ages for interior design.

Key Words:color psychology; interior design; application