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单位:南昌大学艺术...     作者:余志成     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-23

摘 要:青年人群大量地涌入一、二线城市,使房屋租赁市场掀起了空前盛大的浪潮。然而现有的长租公寓普遍存在空间有限、形式单一、空间缺乏层次感等问题,无法满足青年人群对个性的追求,并且在文化衍生上也略显不足,同时在功能需求上还存在着一定的问题。此论文旨在为长租公寓设计提供更多理论建议和相应的设计策略,为极小空间中普遍存在的问题给出可行性设计方案。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:A large number of young people flocked to first- and second-tier cities, causing a wave of waves in their leasing market. However, the existing long-term rental apartments generally have problems such as limited space, single form, and lack of layering in space. They cannot satisfy the pursuit of individuality by the young people and the lack of cultural derivatives, and there are still certain functional requirements. problem. This paper aims to provide more theoretical advice and corresponding design strategies for long-rent apartment design, and to provide a feasible design for the problems that are common in very Minimal Space.

Key Words:Young people; Long-term rental apartment; the design of minimal space