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单位:苏州工艺美术...     作者:马华     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-23

摘 要:本文基于劝导理论,探索如何有效进行精神养老服务APP设计。首先,分析精神养老劝导情境中的目标用户行为特征,并从行为结果和行为变化两个维度分析针对目标用户的劝导行为表格,从而细化APP劝导设计目标;其次,以子女支持方面的需求为例,遵循劝导式设计的PSD模型,基于BSCC劝导策略的四大设计原则进行有针对性的劝导策略设计;最后,针对精神养老APP多对象间的关联性,实现精神养老服务APP的设计。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract: Based on the theory of persuasive, this paper explores how to effectively design the app of mental endowment service. First of all, it analyzes the behavior characteristics of the target user in the context of mental endowment counseling, and analyzes the counseling behavior table for the target user from two dimensions of behavior results and behavior changes, so as to refine the design goal of APP counseling. The second, take the needs of children's support as an example, follow the PSD model of persuasive design, and design targeted persuasive strategies based on the four design principles of BSCC persuasive strategies. Finally, aiming at the relationship among multiple objects of the app, the design of the app is realized. 

Key Words:Persuasive theory; mental endowment; App Design