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单位:北京理工大学...     作者:朱梦楠     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-23

摘 要:本文将以快速发展的在线旅游业为研究背景,针对典型的UGC模式下的在线旅游APP现状进行分析,并通过用户调研,分析现有UGC模式的在线旅游APP存在的问题,从而总结出UGC模式下在线旅游APP的设计策略,为移动互联网时代下在线旅游的发展提供理论基础。

关键词:UGC模式;在线旅游;APP 设计;策略

中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper will take the rapid development of online tourism as the research background, analyze the current situation of online tourism app under the typical UGC model, and through user research, analyze the existing problems of online tourism app under the UGC model, so as to summarize the design strategy of online tourism app under the UGC model, and provide theoretical basis for the development of online tourism in the era of mobile Internet.

Key Words:UGC model; online tourism; App Design; Strategy