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单位:安徽工业大学...     作者:佘慧莉,束渊,周磊     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-23

摘 要:互联网+通过深度整合各个传统行业,对玻璃器皿行业原有商业模式、营销理念产生了巨大的影响、为传统企业升级转型提供了良好机遇。本文试从互联网+对品牌及消费者的影响、玻璃器皿市场现状以及知名品牌分析作为切入点,以期得出互联网+背景下品牌策划的立足点与侧重点,并据此进行品牌策划实践。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:by deeply integrating various traditional industries, Internet + has exerted a huge influence on the original business model and marketing concept of the glassware industry, providing good opportunities for the upgrading and transformation of traditional enterprises. This paper tries to take the influence of Internet + on brands and consumers, the current situation of glassware market and the analysis of well-known brands as the entry point, in order to obtain the foothold and focus of brand planning under the background of Internet +, and carry out brand planning practice accordingly.

Key Words: Internet +; glassware; brand planning