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基于PLC 的玻璃原片上料系统设计

单位:三峡大学机械...     作者:吴刚,李航,钟先友     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-23

摘 要:针对现有玻璃加工行业采用的原始搬运方式存在的安全隐患和效率较低问题,设计了一种基于PLC 的玻璃原片上料系统。本文首先介绍了原片上料系统的组成结构与工作流程,设计了控制系统框架图。根据控制系统框架图,对PLC 控制系统进行了硬件设计和选型。应用PLC 技术和玻璃上片台,完成控制系统的软件设计。实际运行结果显示,原片上料系统能降低玻璃损坏的几率、增强工人的安全性和提高原片上料效率。

关键词:PLC ;玻璃原片;上料系统

中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In view of the potential safety and low efficiency of the original handling method used in the existing glass processing industry, a glass raw material feeding system based on PLC is designed. Firstly, this paper introduces the structure and work flow of the chip feeding system, and designs the frame diagram of the control system. According to the frame diagram of control system, the hardware design and selection of PLC control system are carried out. The software design of the control system is completed by using PLC technology and glass mounting platform. The actual operation results show that the raw material feeding system can reduce the probability of glass damage, enhance the safety of workers and improve the efficiency of raw material feeding.

Key Words:PLC; Glass sheet; Feeding system