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单位:大连工业大学...     作者:李智健     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-23

摘 要:本文通过对《长物志》中“室庐”篇、“几榻”篇、“器具”篇、“位置”篇有关家居方面内容的摘录,以明代家具的和谐观阐述家居空间的布局与家具造型、种类、功能的动态结合,从人的需求中平衡物与物之间的差异,文人与工匠在关注器物制作中同样也存在不同点,并在家具中举例说明如何体现文人的精神追求和工匠的设计精神,希望在此对未来的家具设计与实践产生一点帮助。

关键词:《长物志》 ;明代家具;和谐观;设计精神

中图分类号:J525 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Based on the excerpts of "Shi Lu", "Ji Ta", "utensils" and "position" in “Superfluous Things” , this paper expounds the dynamic combination of the layout of furniture space and the shape, type and function of furniture with the harmony view of Ming Dynasty furniture, balances the differences between objects from the needs of people, and also exists in the attention of literati and craftsmen to the production of utensils In the different points, and in the furniture for example, how to reflect the spirit of the pursuit of literati and craftsman design spirit, hope to produce a little help for the future furniture design and practice.

Key Words:“Superfluous Things” ; Ming Dynasty Furniture; Concept of Harmony; Design Spirit