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单位:山西青年职业学院     作者:王欣     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-23

摘 要:扎染工艺是我国民间特色的中国传统手工艺,以朴素的颜色,别致的图案,安全环保的理念闻名于世。手工扎染工艺是中华文化的瑰宝,值得向全世界推广。将传统手工印染艺术融入到服装设计当中,不仅是一种创新,同时也是对我国传统民间艺术的一种传承。本论文研究核心为扎染工艺在服装设计中的应用,对现阶段手工印染技术进行分析,结合扎染工艺的特征与风格,探讨其对现代服装设计的影响。


中图分类号:TS941 文献标识码:A


Abstract:tie-dye technology is a Chinese traditional handicraft with folk characteristics. It is famous for its simple colors, unique patterns, and the concept of safety and environmental protection. The manual tie-dye technology is a treasure of Chinese culture and worthy of promotion to the world. The integration of traditional hand-printing and dyeing art into fashion design is not only an innovation, but also a heritage of China's traditional folk art. The core of this thesis is the application of tie-dyeing and batik in clothing design. This paper analyzes the current manual tie-dye technology, combines the characteristics and style of tie-dye technology, and explores its influence on modern clothing design.

Key Words:Tie-Dye technology; garment design; application