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单位:天津工业大学     作者:李卓颖,韩佳钰,王萌     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-04-23

摘 要:本文着眼于现今火爆但问题百出的外卖行业,从外卖配送中的安全问题,运输问题和外卖车本身出发,探究外卖配送员在配送过程中经常出现违反交通法规现象的原因,总结得出解决外卖配送时出现的问题的方法,即对外卖车辆进行重新改造设计,并将新的外卖配送特种车与城市道路交通管理规划相结合。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper Focusing on the hot but problematic takeaway industry today, starting from the safety issues in takeaway distribution, transportation problems and take-away cars themselves, explore the reasons why take-away distributors often violate traffic laws and regulations in the distribution process, and summarize the methods to solve the problems that arise in takeaway distribution, that is, the re-engineering of take-away vehicles, And the new take-away distribution of special vehicles and urban road traffic management planning combined. 

Key Words:Safety and efficiency; Take-away vehicle; design and renovation