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单位:江西财经大学     作者:徐苏楠      来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-04-26

摘 要:独立游戏在游戏行业是作为电子游戏的一个分支而存在,在近几年的发展趋势十分迅猛。发展迅速的原因得益于数字技术的进步,使得信息得到很大程度的共享,开发成本也变得更低。本文通过阐述独立VR游戏的特征及独立VR游戏设计的方法,希望能促进独立虚拟现实(Virtual Reality,以下简称VR)游戏制作者的创作热情以及对游戏内容的重视,并能充分利用在VR独立游戏设计中,使VR游戏快速健康的发展。


中图分类号:TP37 文献标识码:A


Abstract: independent game in the game industry is a branch of the existence of video games, in recent years the development trend is very rapid. The reason for the rapid development is the progress of digital technology, which enables the information to be Shared to a large extent and the development cost is lower. By describing the features of independent VR games and the methods of independent VR game design, this paper hopes to promote the creative enthusiasm of VR independent game makers and their emphasis on game content, and make full use of VR game design to make VR games develop quickly and healthily.

Key Words:Independent virtual reality game; Design method; Meaning