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单位:广西科技大学...     作者:魏淼,罗潇雄,张清林     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-04-26

摘 要:如今多元化的艺术环境中,现代包装设计也一直在寻求着突破与创新,本文在中国传统线描的艺术特征分析基础上,提出以线的造型、线的写意和线的审美情感在应用包装设计中的设计思路,以此寻找传统绘画艺术与现代包装设计相融合的表现形式。从而引出对中国传统线描在现代包装设计中创新应用的理念、意义等多方面的探索与研究。不仅能设计出既符合当代审美需求的现代包装,还能传承与弘扬中国传统艺术文化。

关键词:传统线描;现代;包装设计; 应用

中图分类号:TB482 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In today's diversified art environment, modern packaging design has been seeking breakthrough and innovation, Based on the analysis of the artistic characteristics of traditional Chinese line drawing, this paper puts forward the design idea of applying line modeling, line freehand brushwork and line aesthetic feeling in packaging design, in order to find traditional painting art and modern packaging design The manifestation of integration of plans. Thus leads to the Chinese traditional line drawing in the modern packaging design innovation application concept, significance and other aspects of exploration and research. It can not only design the modern packaging that meets the contemporary aesthetic needs, but also inherit and carry forward the traditional Chinese art and culture.

Key Words: traditional line drawing; Modern; Packaging design; Application