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单位:陇东学院     作者:王宗泰     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-04-26

摘 要:陇东地区有着悠远的农耕文化和充满匠心智慧的民间艺术,形成了以剪纸、香包、刺绣、皮影戏、石刻等为代表的陇东民间艺术体系。随着时代和社会风貌的变迁,陇东民间艺术在传承和发展上面临着一系列问题。在新时代背景下,陇东民间艺术应以创新为起点,通过转化产品功能、创新产品形式、注重人才培养、多方协同互动构建产业体系等策略,将陇东民间艺术实用化、时尚化、产品化,赋予传统民间艺术新的生命力,探寻出行之有效的传承和创新道路。


中图分类号:J528 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Longdong area has a long-standing farming culture and folk art full of ingenuity and wisdom, forming a folk art system represented by paper-cut, Sachet, embroidery, shadow play, stone carving, etc. With the changes of times and social features, Longdong folk art faces a series of problems in inheritance and development. Under the background of the new era, the folk art of Longdong should start with innovation. Through the strategies of transforming product functions, innovating product forms, focusing on personnel training, and building industrial system through multiple collaborative interaction, the folk art of Longdong should be practical, fashionable and productized, giving new vitality to the traditional folk art, and exploring an effective way of inheritance and innovation.

Key Words:Longdong area; Folk art; Inheritance; Innovation