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单位:南华大学设计...     作者:张文,唐卫东,鲁冠男      来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-04-26

摘 要:我国康复辅具设计发展速度较慢,目前仍然以功能设计为主,忽略了患者与产品之间的情感交流,导致产品难以满足患者的情感需求。文章通过对当前康复辅具设计存在的不足,并结合老年患者情感特征,提出满足老年患者情感需求的康复辅具设计策略——感官体验与产品造型相结合、操作体验与产品易用性相结合、无意识体验与情感感知相结合。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The development of rehabilitation assistive device design in China is slow. At present, it is still mainly functional design, ignoring the emotional communication between patients and products, which makes the products difficult to meet the emotional needs of patients. Based on the deficiency of the current design of rehabilitation aids and the emotional characteristics of the elderly patients, this paper puts forward the design strategy of rehabilitation aids to meet the emotional needs of the elderly patients—the combination of sensory experience and product modeling, the combination of operational experience and product usability, the combination of unconscious experience and emotional perception.

Key Words:Elderly patients; rehabilitation aids design; emotional design