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单位:广东工业大学     作者:万青青,马正午     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-04-26

摘 要:设计一套玩教具让儿童在玩乐过程中认识汽车盲区并引导其养成正确规避盲区危害的交通安全意识。文章通过调研学龄前儿童对汽车盲区的认知情况及教学现状,分析学龄前儿童的特征,总结基于汽车盲区教育的学龄前儿童玩教具的设计原则,采用模拟道路交通情境的方式激发学龄前儿童的兴趣,设计出培养学龄前儿童汽车盲区意识的玩教具。希望针对性的玩教具既助于提升学龄前儿童交通安全意识及避险能力,也有利于增强交通安全教育的有效性。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Design a set of play aids to help the preschool children know the car blind spots during playing and guide them to develop their safety awareness to avoid the dangers of blind spots. In this paper, though investigating the preschool children's cognition of the car blind zone and the current teaching status, This paper summarizes the design principles of playing-aids for preschool children based on automobile blind area education, scheme out the play aids for cultivating car blind zone awareness of preschool children. It is hoped that targeted play aids can help preschool children improve their awareness of traffic safety and the ability to avoid risks,but also enhance the effectiveness of traffic safety education.

Key Words:preschool children; Car blind zone education; induction module; design of teaching aids