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单位:南华大学设计...     作者:郑欣怡,文艺,靳树虓     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-04-26

摘 要:随着社会压力的加大,患有抑郁症及焦虑症的患者逐年增加,且目前关于认知行为治疗产品种类非常少,存在产品功能单一、安全性较差的问题。文章以认知行为治疗产品为研究基础,分析如何把通感设计运用到认知行为治疗产品之中。希望对患有抑郁症及焦虑症的患者有一定的帮助,达到最佳的辅助治疗效果。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the increase of social pressure, the number of patients suffering from depression and anxiety increased year by year. At present, there are few kinds of cognitive behavioral therapy products, which have single function and poor safety. Based on the research of cognitive behavioral therapy products, this paper analyzes how to apply synesthesia to the design of cognitive behavioral therapy products. Hope to suffer from depression and anxiety patients have a certain help, to achieve the best adjuvant treatment effect.

Key Words:Cognitive behavioral therapy; Product; Synesthesia design