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单位:河南科技大学...     作者:管洋洋,许占民     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-04-26

摘 要:本文在分析当前文化创意产品设计方法的基础上,通过对动态叙事与静态叙事的研究,找到动态叙事与文化创意产品设计的契合点,以及二者的具体结合运用方法,构建出基于动态叙事效果的文化创意产品设计流程框架。并以云南野象谷纪念品开发为例,运用基于动态叙事效果的文化创意产品设计方法,设计具有深刻反思层次的作品。基于动态叙事效果的文化创意产品设计方法以使用者获得更深层次的情感体验为目标,为用户与文化创意产品的情感沟通打开新的途径。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper based on the analysis of current cultural and creative product design methods, through the study of dynamic narrative and static narrative, find the meeting point of dynamic narrative and cultural and creative product design, and the specific combination of the two methods to build a dynamic narrative effect Cultural and creative product design methodology framework.Taking the development of the Yunnan Wild Elephant Valley Souvenir as an example, the design of cultural and creative products based on dynamic narrative effects is used to design works with profound reflection levels. The cultural and creative product design method based on the dynamic narrative effect aims at the user to obtain a deeper emotional experience, and opens a new way for the emotional communication between users and cultural and creative products.

Key Words:Cultural and Creative Products; Dynamic Narrative Effects; User Experience