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单位:武汉工程大学...     作者:付紫嫣     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-04-26

摘 要:产品形象设计是塑造公司形象和提高产品整体质量的重要环节,其中包含三大系统:理念识别系统、 行为识别系统、视觉识别系统。产品形象能够从侧面反映出一个公司的发展目标和战略定位,本文通过分析运动服饰品牌服饰创新的意义及思路,并通过对李宁运动服饰款式和在三大系统中的体现进行分析,提炼出李宁企业产品形象设计的构建模式,总结运动服饰的品牌发展道路。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Product image design is an important link in shaping corporate image and improving the overall quality of products, which includes three systems: concept identification system, behavior identification system, and visual identification system. Product image can be reflected from the side of a company's development goals and strategic positioning, this paper analyses the significance and the ideas for the sportswear clothing brand innovation, and through to the li ning sportswear design and embodied in the three systems were analyzed, and the refined, li ning company product image design of the building model, summarizes the sportswear brand development path.

Key Words:Product image design; Sports brands; innovation