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单位:山西师范大学     作者:曹政姣     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-04-26

摘 要:平面构成作为三大构成之一,其构成元素通过形式美法则形成视觉美感,是一个设计作品中最基本的、也是不可缺少的一部分,而在视觉传达设计中平面构成的运用是调动一切平面要素,因此本文通过平面构成在视觉传达设计中应用的三个原则进行研究,对视觉传达设计中的海报和标志设计案例进行分析,并希望通过既定的视觉规律达到丰富设计,在实际的设计过程中进一步解构对事物形态感知能力,并且将所要传达的视觉信息准确地传递给受众人群,同时也能够激起大众心理情感的需求与满足。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:As one of the three major components, plane composition is the most basic and indispensable part of a design work. In visual communication design, the use of plane composition is to mobilize all the plane elements and methods. Guided by the three principles of the application of plane composition in visual communication design, the visual communication design is designed. The poster and logo design cases are analyzed. Hope through the established visual rules. In the actual design process to further deconstruct the perception of things. To enrich the design, and to convey the visual information to the audience accurately, but also can arouse the needs and satisfaction of the public psychological emotions.

Key Words:Plane composition; visual communication design; application