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单位:南京理工大学     作者:李学超,张琦悦     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-05-25

摘 要:老年人由于其生理和心理的特殊性,使用智能产品时会产生更多的困难。文章以自理老人为例,研究老年智能产品交互中的通道补偿机制,并提出以下策略:(1)针对视觉通道的补偿;(2)针对听觉通道的补偿;(3)针对触觉通道的补偿;(4)通道增强。最后以老年智能手机为例进行分析,以期为老年智能产品设计提供借鉴。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Due to the physical and psychological particularities of the elderly, there will be more difficulties when using smart products. This article takes the self-care elderly as an example to study the compensation mechanism of visual channels and auditory channels in the interactive experience of elderly smart products, and proposes interactive strategies: (1) Compensation for visual channels; (2) Compensation for auditory channels; (3) Compensation for haptic channels; (4) Channel enhancemen. Finally, this paper takes the elderly smart phone as an example to provide reference for the design of elderly smart products.

Key Words:Interaction design; Suitable aging; Intelligent products; Channel compensation