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单位:南华大学设计...     作者:文艺,唐卫东,康红娜     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-05-25

摘 要:设计教育自包豪斯经典的体系建立到今天已经历经多次社会与时代的变革,设计行业也从设计1.0升级到现在的3.0版本。在设计3.0背景下如何对现行的设计教学进行反思,以促进综合大学工业设计专业的破冰前行,本文从培养目标、学生能力的考核以及教学方式等方面出发思考合理的改革路径。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Since the establishment of Bauhaus classic system, design education has gone through many times of social and era changes, and the design industry is also upgrading from design 1.0 to the current version 3.0. Under the background of Design 3.0, how to reflect on the current design teaching, in order to promote the ice breaking of the industrial design major in the school of design and art of Nanhua University, this paper starts from the training objectives, the assessment of students' ability and teaching methods to think about a reasonable path of change.

Key Words:Design 3.0; industrial design; teaching thinking