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单位:南京理工大学     作者:俞丹晨     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-05-25

摘 要:本文通过文献阅读和案例分析归纳产品隐喻设计的概念和特征,结合人的认知特点深入研究隐喻在产品设计中的认知层次,并在此基础上总结产品隐喻设计的程序。隐喻设计的本质特征是相似性;根据由表及里的认知习惯,将产品隐喻设计概括为装饰性隐喻、功能性隐喻、情感性隐喻三个由外至内的认知层次;以一般的设计程序为依托,总结了七个步骤的产品隐喻设计程序,希望为产品设计提供新的设计思路。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper summarizes the concept and characteristics of product metaphor design through literature reading and case analysis, and makes an in-depth study on the cognitive level of metaphor in product design based on the cognitive characteristics of people, and then summarizes the process of product metaphor design. The essential feature of metaphor design is similarity; According to the cognitive habit from the outside to the inside, the product metaphor design is summarized into three cognitive levels: decorative metaphor, functional metaphor and emotional metaphor. Based on the general design procedure, this paper summarizes the seven steps of product metaphor design procedure. Hope to provide new design ideas for product design.

Key Words:metaphor; product design; similarity; cognitive hierarchy; design program