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单位:湖南师范大学...     作者:龚俊韬     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-05-25

摘 要:互联网信息时代的到来,依托于互联网信息的移动智能手机占据生活的方方面面,智能手机的按钮设计应站在用户体验的角度来完善。通过对智能手机的按钮概述,分析智能手机按钮的三大设计分类及智能手机按钮的三大设计思路。实现按钮与智能手机的功能性、实用性、美观性方面的结合,从而提升用户使用智能手机时的交互体验。


中图分类号:TP393 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the advent of the Internet information era, mobile smartphones relying on Internet information occupy all aspects of life. The button design of smartphones should be improved from the perspective of user experience. Through an overview of the buttons in the smartphone, analyze the three major design categories of the buttons in the smartphone and the three major design ideas of the buttons in the smartphone. Realize the combination of buttons and smartphones in terms of functionality, practicality, and aesthetics, thereby enhancing the user's interactive experience when using smartphones.

Key Words:Smart phone; Button; Design