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单位:福州外语外贸学院     作者:陈思     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-05-26

摘 要:人们所说的混合教学,指的就是结合传统教学以及在线教学的优点,采取“线上”加“线下”的一种教学模式。本文目的在于研究混合教学模式在漆艺教学当中的运用,通过采用线上线下混合教学模式与漆艺教学相结合的方式,进行简要的分析和探究。混合教学的模式和我国目前教育发展走向相切合,将混合教学模式运用在漆艺教学中,推动了信息化课程的变革,并促进了教学的发展,这也是中国漆艺教学将来的发展需要。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The mixed teaching refers to the teaching mode of "online" plus "offline", which combines the advantages of traditional teaching and online teaching. The purpose of this paper is to study the application of Hybrid Teaching Mode in lacquer art teaching. Through the combination of online and offline hybrid teaching mode and lacquer art teaching, it makes a brief analysis and exploration. The mode of mixed teaching is in line with the current development trend of education in China. The application of mixed teaching mode in lacquer art teaching has promoted the reform of information-based courses and the development of teaching, which is also the future development needs of lacquer art teaching in China.

Key Words:mixing; teaching mode; lacquer art teaching