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单位:浙江安防职业...     作者:刘海州     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-05-26

摘 要:高职院校艺术设计类专业授课形式相对传统,技能训练以培养初步的就业能力为主,学生对专业的热情、对艺术设计类职业的尊崇度以及创新创业精神较低,相关职业精神的培养在人才培养体系中也没有体现。本文以“职业精神”为切入点,探讨高职院校艺术设计类专业人才培养思路,以提高学生专业实践能力,着力完善高职院校艺术设计类专业人才培养方案,培育艺术设计领域一线需要的、具有良好职业道德的高素质技能型艺术设计人才,进而弘扬职业精神。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The teaching form of artistic designing major in higher vocational colleges is relatively traditional, and the skill training is mainly to cultivate the initial employment ability.The students' enthusiasm for the major, the respect for the art designing profession , the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship are relatively low.As the time, the training of relevant professional spirit is also not reflected in the talent training system.This paper takes the "professional spirit" as the starting point to explore the training ideas of art designing professionals in higher vocational colleges,which in order to improve the professional practice ability of students and focus on improving the training program of art and design professionals in higher vocational colleges. It's aim to cultivate high-quality skilled art designing talents with good professional ethics in front line artistic work, and then promote the professional spirit.

Key Words:Professional spirit; Higher vocational colleges; Art design; Personnel training