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单位:广东工业大学...     作者:吴秋燕     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-05-27

摘 要:情感化产品设计是一种着眼于人的内心情感需求和精神需求的设计理念,最终创造出令人快乐和感动的产品。在产品设计中,设计者除了要考虑材料的选择、加工方法、产品营销方式、制作成本和实用性、以及理解和使用产品难易程度等方面,还应考虑情感设计,有时情感设计可能比实用功能更重要。本文从儿童积木情感化设计角度出发,阐述了儿童积木情感化设计的原则,并以色彩、材质、形态、功能等造型要素为切入点,提出了设计的思路。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:emotional product design is a design concept that focuses on people's inner emotional needs and spiritual needs, and ultimately creates a happy and moving product. In product design, designers should not only consider the choice of materials, processing methods, product marketing methods, production costs and practicability, as well as the difficulty of understanding and using the product, but also consider the emotional component. Sometimes the emotional component may be more important to the success of the product than the practical component. From the perspective of emotional design of children's building blocks, this paper analyzes the design principles, taking color, material, form, function and other modeling factors as the entry point, the design idea is put forward.

Key Words:children; building block toys; emotion design