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单位:郑州轻工业大...     作者:马青峰     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-05-27

摘 要:文章研究基于质量功能展开理论,量化客户需求,结合质量屋工具,分析职业服实用功能要求,构建职业服定制的实用功能设计模块。模块化设计工具将客户需求转化为设计要素,并对设计要素权重排序,简明设计流程。快速在专业服装设计者与非专业客户之间建立起沟通桥梁,有利于设计者快速掌握设计方法,降低企业设计成本。


中图分类号:TS941 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper research quantifies the customer's demands, analyzes the practical functional requirements of business wear, and combined House of Quality tool, and constructs a practical functional design module of business wear customization. Modular design tools transform customer requirements into design elements, sort the importance of design elements, and simplify the design process. It is conducive to design communication, and designers can quickly grasp the design methods and reduce the design cost of enterprises.

Key Words:Quality Function Deployment; Professional clothing customization; practical functional design module; House of Quality; customer demand