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单位:厦门大学嘉庚学院     作者:卜俊,孙培贤,许嘉彬     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-05-27

摘 要:在当今强调设计民族化、地域化的设计理念下,为家具产品注入民族传统文化内涵,突显民族特色已成为新时代家具设计的热点。从设计学的角度出发,提出地域传统文化元素在家具产品设计中的创新设计思路,并以闽南传统古厝为例进行设计因子提取、再造及方案设计呈现,用于家具产品创新设计,希望可为传统文化元素在现代家具产品设计中的应用提供参考。


中图分类号:TS664 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Under the current design concept of emphasizing the nationalization and regionalization of design, it has become a hot spot of furniture design in the new era to inject the connotation of national traditional culture into furniture products and highlight national characteristics. From the perspective of design, this paper puts forward the innovative design ideas of regional traditional cultural elements in furniture product design, and takes the traditional ancient houses in South Fujian as an example to propose design factors. We hope to provide reference for the application of traditional cultural elements in modern furniture product design.

Key Words:Regional traditional culture; furniture products; innovative design