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单位:1.清华大学 2...     作者:崔强1,邱松1,Siddharth Suhas2,喻川3     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-06-24

摘 要:电弧增材制造(WAAM)是一种新兴的增材制造技术,它能够以较低的成本制造大体量金属零件。电弧增材制造技术对零件的形态有一定的要求,但是目前的工程优化程序很难协调零件的可制造性和形态美感等因素。本文基于设计形态学理论,以电动车底盘为设计对象,探索满足电弧增材制造要求的数字设计方法。研究强调结构力学分析与形态优化的结合,力求使新型电动车底盘达到结构性能和形态美学的统一。研究改变了底盘的设计制造方式,大大缩短了电动车底盘设计与原型开发的周期,同时,还减少能源与材料的消耗,使定制化电动车底盘的一体化制造成为可能。


中图分类号:U469 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) is an emerging additive manufacturing technology, which can produce heavy metal parts at low cost. Wire arc additive manufacturing technology has certain requirements on the shape of parts, but current engineering optimization procedures are difficult to deal with factors such as manufacturability and aesthetic appearance of parts. Based on the theory of design morphology, this study took the electric vehicle chassis as the research object to explore the digital design method to meet the requirements of wire arc additive manufacturing. Combined with mechanical analysis and aesthetic principles, the research achieves the unification of performance and aesthetics of the new electric vehicle chassis. This paper accelerates the cycle of electric vehicle chassis design and prototype development, reduces the consumption of energy and materials, and makes the integrated manufacturing of customized electric vehicle chassis possible.

Key Words:Wire arc additive manufacturing; Electric vehicles; Chassis design me;Digital design; Shape optimization