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单位:福州大学厦门...     作者:刘晓宏,郭欣欣     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-06-24

摘 要:文章通过概述福建莆田木雕非遗技艺现状与困境,探究该技艺如何在现代化进程之中得到更好传承和发展,同时借乘“数字化快车”,实现数字化技术与莆田木雕技艺融合下产品再创,突显莆田木雕技艺之美,获得更多现代人的认可与喜爱,以数字化新形式让传统技艺得到更好地传承与创新。


中图分类号:TS932 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper summarizes the present situation and predicament of the non-relic Wood carving technique in Putian, Fujian Province, and explores how the technique can be better inherited and developed in the process of modernization, to achieve the integration of digital technology and Putian Wood carving techniques under the product re-creation, highlighting the beauty of Putian Wood carving techniques, access to more modern people's recognition and love, the new form of digital technology so that the traditional techniques of a better heritage and innovation.

Key Words:Chinese traditional techniques inheritance; Woodcuts in putian; digital; innovation