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单位:山东建筑大学     作者:李怡,于涛,房振涛     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-06-24

摘 要:随着全球老龄化趋势上升,老年人口高龄化、空巢化现象加剧,老年人的健康生活成为社会稳定的重要因素。卫浴空间是老年人最常出入的场所,“以老年人为本”的适老化卫浴产品设计是老年人产品市场的发展趋势。通过归纳法、对比法,得到现有卫浴产品对于老年人使用的不足之处,提出适老化卫浴产品设计的原则与思路,希望为适老化卫浴产品开发提供一些参考。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the increasing trend of global aging, the aging and empty nest of the elderly are increasing. The healthy life of the elderly has become an important factor of social stability. Bathroom space is the most frequent place for the elderly to go in and out, and the design of Elderly-oriented sanitary products based on the elderly is the development trend of the elderly product market. Through induction, contrast method, get the existing bathroom products for the elderly to use the deficiencies, put forward the design principles and ideas for the aging bathroom products, hope to provide some reference for the development of Elderly-oriented sanitary products.

Key Words:The elderly; Elderly-oriented; Sanitary products; Design