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单位:宁波财经学院...     作者:陈文颖     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-06-28

摘 要:本文通过对混合教学相关文献的研究,总结其教学模式特点,并根据混合教学数据多元化和信息化的特点,提出构建设计类课程评价模式的思路:将过程性评价与结论性评价相结合,充分挖掘和利用线上线下学习数据,将学习轨迹数据、设计过程评价数据及设计成果评价数据相结合系统评价课程学习绩效。最后,本文以《人机工程学》课程为例,构建了基于学习行为、设计过程及设计成果三位一体的评价模式,融合线上线下学习数据,提升课程评价系统性。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper summarizes the characteristics of the mixed teaching model through the study of relevant literature. According to the characteristics of mixed teaching data diversification and informationization, this paper puts forward the idea of constructing the evaluation model of design courses: combine the process evaluation with the conclusion evaluation,  fully mine and utilize the online and offline learning data, and systematically evaluate the course learning performance through the combination of learning trajectory data, design process evaluation data and design results evaluation data. Finally, taking the course of "ergonomics" as an example, this paper constructs an evaluation model based on the trinity of learning behavior, design process and design results, and integrates online and offline learning data to improve the system of course evaluation.

Key Words:Mixed teaching model; Design courses; Curriculum evaluation model; Construction