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单位:1.武汉设计工...     作者:易畅雾1,鲁杨2     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-06-28

摘 要:《空间设计》课程是环境设计专业的必修课,但是在目前的教学中还存在很多不足。本文首先分析了环境设计专业《空间设计》课程的教学现状与意义,最后提出教学改革的方法,希望在设计过程中让学生了解和把握空间尺度与行为互动的必要性及重要意义,同时强调视知觉感知对《空间设计》的重要性。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:"Space design" course is a compulsory course for environmental design majors, but there are still many deficiencies in the current teaching. This paper first analyzes the current situation and significance of the teaching of the course "space design" of environmental design major, and finally proposes the method of teaching reform, hoping to make students understand and grasp the necessity and significance of the interaction between space scale and behavior in the design process, and at the same time emphasizes the importance of visual perception perception to "space design". 

Key Words:Environmental design specialty; "space design" course; teaching reform