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单位:山西农业大学...     作者:杨娟     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-06-28

摘 要:随着时代的发展,现代陶瓷的发展逐渐转变成为了艺术发展,陶瓷的发展必然要顺应设计潮流,调整步伐,寻求发展机遇。有机设计为陶瓷开辟了一条绿色通道,融入当前人们的生活。本文主要探讨陶瓷的外在形态,从曲线形态与仿生形态两方面展开研究。希望通过研究,人们能够对陶瓷艺术有更加充分的了解。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the development of The Times, the development of modern ceramics has gradually changed into the development of art, the development of ceramics must conform to the design trend, adjust the pace, seek development opportunities. Organic design has opened up a green channel for ceramics and integrated into people's life. This paper mainly discusses the external form of ceramics, The research is carried out from two aspects: curve shape and bionic shape. It is hoped that through the study people can have a more full understanding of ceramic art.

Key Words:ceramic products; Form design; Organic semantic