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单位:晋中师范高等...     作者:智青     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-06-28

摘 要:当下,小空间的灵活利用已成为新的住宅设计焦点,在这方面,日本住宅空间设计值得借鉴。受日本特殊的地理环境、传统文化、生活方式等因素影响,其住宅具有“小即是美”的特点。文章从纵向空间和横向空间两方面入手,系统阐述了日本现代住宅空间独特的设计方法,另外为促进住宅品质提升,在细节设计上进行优化,期望这些设计方法为我国的住宅设计提供新的思路。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The flexible utilization of tiny space has nowadays become a new focus of residential design. Japanese residential space design can be a valuable reference in this area. Influenced by Japan's geographical environment, traditional culture, lifestyle and other factors, their residences share the characteristics of “being tiny is pretty”. Digging in from vertical space and horizontal space, this paper systematically describes the unique design methods of modern Japanese residential space, and optimize the details of design to promote the residence quality. Some expectations are demonstrated here for these design methods to provide innovative ideas for residential design in China.

Key Words:Residential spatial design; Tiny space; Japan