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单位:南京理工大学     作者:李学超     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-06-28

摘 要:本文通过建立感性意象语义库分析和明确设计用户的感性需求,将其与产品设计要素对应构建设计本体,以人工智能学习方法为切入点,借鉴经典设计创新方法,分析其与人工智能技术结合的可能性,以大数据和云计算为支撑,通过设计元素数据库和专家咨询系统,构建产品设计理论模型。同时提出人工智能辅助产品设计理论模型,阐释人工智能辅助设计系统的运行流程,促进人工智能与产品设计领域的结合。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper by building a semantic library of perceptual images, This article analyzes and clarifies the perceptual needs of design users, builds the design ontology basing on the need and design elements, uses artificial intelligence learning methods as the starting point, analyzes the classic design innovation methods and the possibility of combining with artificial intelligence technology. Through big data and cloud computing, and the establishment of design element databases and expert consulting systems, product design theory models can be achieved. Put forward the theoretical model of artificial intelligence assisted product design, explain the operation process of artificial intelligence assisted design system, and promote the combination of artificial intelligence and product design.

Key Words:Artificial intelligence; Product design; Ontology; Design model