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基于卷积神经网络技术的智能家居生活“帮橱APP” 设计

单位:安徽工程大学...     作者:王宁,朱铁军,王毅恒     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-06-28

摘 要:随着移动互联网的光速发展,移动终端使用量迅速上升,促进了APP的普及和使用。当前人工智能带来新一代计算革命,并且催生了许多行业发生变革。智能家居行业随着人们对未来科技的期待,市场在不断扩大,而“帮橱APP”以手机APP为平台,是基于卷积神经网络技术的智能衣橱APP,可对服饰扫描进行识别与分类,并通过扫描衣橱空间智能合理优化用户衣橱,解决用户整理衣橱的烦恼。还能根据季节、场合与天气状况为用户量身搭配,并显示出最终搭配效果,使用户家居生活更为便捷。本文通过聚焦当下社会对于智能家居需求的研究,希冀对智能与家居更好的结合起到促进作用,从而有助于改善人们家居生活方式,让未来科技有效融入大众的家居生活。


中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the development of the speed of light of the mobile Internet, the use of mobile terminals is rising rapidly, which promotes the popularization and use of APP. Current artificial intelligence has brought about a new generation of computing revolution and led to changes in many industries. The market of smart home industry is expanding with people's expectation of future technology. On the other hand, the "Help Cabinet APP" is an intelligent wardrobe APP based on the convolutional neural network technology based on the platform of mobile phone APP. It can identify and classify the scanning of clothes and reasonably optimize the user's wardrobe by scanning the intelligent wardrobe space to solve the trouble of sorting out the user's wardrobe. Also according to the season, occasion and weather conditions for the user tailored, and show the final matching effect. Make life more convenient for users. This paper focuses on the research of the current society's demand for smart homes, hoping to promote the better integration of smarts and homes, thereby helping to improve people's home lifestyles and integrate future technologies into the public's home life.

Key Words:CNN(Convolutional Neural Network)technology; smart home; Help Cabinet APP design