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单位:中国矿业大学     作者:张正好,赵鹏飞     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-06-28

摘 要:随着城市化的推进,乡村生活与娱乐方式发生了转变,使传统戏场空间在乡村建设的进程中屡遭破坏。然而盲目地修复或改造无法切实缓解传统戏场空间所面临的困境。文章基于乡村振兴视角,以运城市磨河村古戏台为例,探寻戏场空间再利用的策略,提出应切合当地乡村发展实际、注重空间人文表达,将戏场空间融入现代生活的观点,由此留住乡土中的场地记忆,保护“活态的”文化遗产。


中图分类号:TP491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the advancement of urbanization, the way of rural life and entertainment has changed, causing the traditional theater space to be repeatedly destroyed in the process of rural construction. However, blind repair or reconstruction cannot effectively alleviate the dilemma faced by traditional theater spaces. Based on the perspective of rural revitalization, this article takes the ancient stage of Mohe Village in Yuncheng City as an example, explores the strategy of reusing the theater space, and proposes that it should be suitable for the development of local villages, pay attention to the humanistic expression of space, and integrate the theater space into modern life. Maintain the memory of the local site and protect the "live" cultural heritage.

Key Words:Rural revitalization; Traditional theatre space; Reuse; Ancient stage