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单位:湖南师范大学...     作者:谷梦恩,范伟     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-06-28

摘 要:文章旨在探究借助数字化技术对于湘西木雕传统工艺的保护与传承,从湘西木雕的图案纹饰入手,总结出几种在室内陈设中对于木雕图案加工创作的规律方法,利用数字化技术将湘西木雕合理地运用在当代室内陈设中。使湘西木雕这一古老而又珍贵的传统手工技艺融入到当今人们的日常生活之中,从而实现对湘西木雕的活态传承。


中图分类号:J525 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The purpose of this paper is to explore the protection and inheritance of digital technology for intangible cultural heritage, starting with the patterns and patterns of wood carving in Western Hunan, this paper summarizes several regular methods for the processing and creation of wood carving patterns, and uses digital technology to reasonably apply the Western Hunan wood carving in contemporary indoor display. So that Xiangxi woodcarving, an ancient and precious traditional handicraft, can be integrated into people's daily life, so as to realize the living state inheritance of Xiangxi woodcarving.

Key Words:Xiangxi wood carving; Digital technology; Interior display; Protection and innovation