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单位:燕山大学艺术...     作者:尹梦     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-06-28

摘 要:目前,完善城市公共空间环境营造,提升城市文化价值,已经纳入传统文化元素的应用表达,以适应现代人的审美需求,有利于中国传统文化继承与元素革新活化利用。本文采用比较分析法对中国传统文化元素应用价值及应用体现方式进行研究,并提出传统文化元素在城市公共空间中的应用策略。改善其模式弊端,提升市民公共空间意识及提倡中国本土地域特征景观,让东方文化回归生活,让文化精神导入美学情趣,促进中国传统文化在当代人群需求的革新复兴。


中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A


Abstract:At present, the improvement of urban public space environment and the promotion of urban cultural value have been incorporated into the application and expression of traditional cultural elements to meet the needs of modern people, which is conducive to the inheritance of Traditional Chinese culture and the activation and utilization of element innovation. This paper adopts comparative analysis method to study the application value and application embodiment of Chinese traditional cultural elements and puts forward the application strategy of traditional cultural elements in urban public space.

Key Words:Traditional cultural elements; Urban public space; application