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单位:广东石油化工...     作者:邱蔚琳,陈晓红     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-06-28

摘 要:近年来消费者对精神生活的要求越来越高,产品设计融入多种文化元素进行创新,传统戏剧脸谱元素成为了消费者及设计师青睐的设计元素。文具是新一代消费者接触频率最高的产品之一,本文将中国传统戏剧脸谱元素融入其中,通过对中国传统戏剧脸谱元素应用现状进行分析,针对戏剧脸谱元素和文具产品设计主题为结合点提出相应的应用思路。这不仅能满足年轻一代人们的精神诉求,还能有效地传承和发展中国传统文化,让传统文化以一种可见的表达形式体现在人们的生活中。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In recent years, consumers have higher and higher requirements for spiritual life. Product design integrates a variety of cultural elements for innovation. The traditional drama mask element has become the design element favored by consumers and designers. Stationery is one of the most frequently contacted products of the new generation of consumers. In this paper, the elements of Chinese traditional drama mask are integrated into it. Through the analysis of the application status of Chinese traditional drama mask elements, the corresponding application ideas are put forward for the combination of "drama visual elements" and "stationery product design theme". This can not only meet the spiritual demands of the young generation, but also effectively inherit and develop Chinese traditional culture, so that traditional culture can be reflected in people's lives in a visible form of expression. 

Key Words: traditional drama mask; modern stationery design; innovative application