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单位:成都工业学院     作者:张雨婷,郭钰佳     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-06-28

摘 要:城市快速现代化的脚步给生活带来便利的同时也带来了噪音污染的烦恼。大部分城市的高架桥离市民居住区距离较近,降低城市噪音成为现今亟待解决的问题。文章以人文情怀与传统地方文化设计相融合为出发点,挖掘本土“天府文化”元素,运用美学原理进行重组设计,结合国内先进的声学材料——聚合微粒吸声材料,对景观声屏障设计做了深入研究。本文的设计方法与方案在解决城市噪音污染的同时,还能缓解驾驶疲劳,传承天府文化。


中图分类号:U417 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The rapid pace of urban modernization brings convenience to life, and also produces the annoyance of noise pollution. Viaducts in most cities are close to where people live. Based on the integration of humanistic feelings and traditional local cultural design, this paper explores the elements of local "TianFu Culture."Using aesthetic principles to carry out recombination element design. And makes an indepth study on the design of landscape sound barrier combining with the domestic advanced acoustic materials—polymerized particulate absorbing materials. The design method and scheme in this paper not only solve the noise pollution in the city, but also relieve the driving fatigue and inherit the tianfu culture.

Key Words:Tianfu culture; Landscape noise barrier; Practical application