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单位:上海工程技术大学     作者:陶晶,冯奇     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-07-28

摘 要:近年来,越来越多的智能助手渗透到人们的工作和生活之中。本文从多通道交互的角度出发,分析了智能助手类产品的国内外发展现状,并对此类产品的多通道交互进行设计分析,主要从语音交互、视觉交互、手势和体感交互的三个方式分别论述,在此基础上总结并提出基于多通道交互的智能助手产品设计策略,旨在提升产品的使用体验,期望推动智能助手产品的更好发展。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In recent years, more and more intelligent assistants have penetrated into people's work and life. This article analyzes the development status of smart assistant products at home and abroad from the perspective of multi-channel interaction, and designs and analyzes the multi-channel interaction of such products, mainly from three ways: voice interaction, visual interaction, gestures and somatosensory interaction. Discussed separately, on this basis, summarized and proposed a smart assistant product design strategy based on multi-channel interaction, aimed at improving the product experience, and hope to promote the better development of smart assistant products.

Key Words:Multi-channel interaction; Intelligent assistant; Product design