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应用型人才培养背景下的 《人机工程学》 “金课”设计与实践

单位:天津商业大学...     作者:李晓娜,刘畅     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-07-28

摘 要:为培养具有创新实践能力的应用型人才,提升《人机工程学》金课教学效果,本文研究了应用型人才培养的背景和目标,针对课程特点构建理论——实验——实践三位一体的课程体系,采用多元化的教学手段和贯穿全课程的考核评价模式进行了设计和实践。学生的专业应用能力得到了提高,推进了工业设计应用型专业建设,并为同类课程的教改提供了思路。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In order to cultivate application-oriented talents with innovative practical ability and to improve the teaching effect of golden course of Ergonomics, the background and objectives of application-oriented talents training are studied. According to the characteristics of the curriculum, the trinity curriculum system of theory, experiment and practice is constructed, design and practice are carried out by adopting diversified teaching methods and the evaluation mode throughout the whole curriculum. Students’ professional application ability have been improved. At the same time, it promotes the construction of industrial design application-oriented major and provides ideas for the reform of similar courses.

Key Words:Application-oriented talents; "Ergonomics"; Golden course; Industrail design