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单位:无锡开放大学...     作者:杨山,武靖     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-07-28

摘 要:目前,我国现代师徒制试点改革进入实质性推进阶段,本文通过对国内高职院校影视动画专业教学现状深入地调研,分析高职影视动画专业的教学现状,提出现代师徒制背景下的高职院校影视动画专业教学改革的策略,以期促进现代学徒制在高职院校能够更为深入地推广与应用。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:At present, the pilot reform of modern apprenticeship in China has entered a substantial stage, based on the in-depth investigation of the teaching situation of film and television animation in domestic higher vocational colleges, this paper analyzes the teaching situation of film and television animation in higher vocational colleges, and puts forward the teaching reform strategy of film and television animation in Higher Vocational Colleges under the background of modern apprenticeship, in order to promote the promotion and application of modern apprenticeship in vocational colleges.

Key Words:Modern apprenticeship; Higher vocational colleges; Major in film and television animation; teaching reform