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单位:宁波城市职业...     作者:李娜     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-07-28

摘 要:近年来,我国职业教育发展态势良好,课程体系的创建和改革已成为高职院校教育改革的关键,优化配置课程体系是发挥专业群聚集与扩散效应的重要前提。基于此,本文以高职产品设计专业作为研究对象,结合专业的教学特点,阐述产品设计专业课程体系的建设原则,通过确立能力目标并建立起“基础平台+职业模块”的课程体系,在推进课程体系建设的同时实现教学资源的统筹,从而提升学生的职业能力。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In recent years, the development of Vocational Education in China is good. The establishment and reform of curriculum system have become the key to the education reform of higher vocational colleges. Optimizing the allocation of curriculum system is an important prerequisite for bringing into play the aggregation and diffusion effect of professional groups. Based on this, this paper takes higher vocational product design as the research object, combined with the teaching characteristics of the major, expounds the construction principles of the product design curriculum system, through the establishment of competency goals and the establishment of a "basic platform + career module" curriculum system, the overall planning of teaching resources is realized while promoting the construction of the curriculum system, thereby enhancing students' professional ability.

Key Words:the integration of courses and posts; product design major; curriculum system; construction