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“她经济” 时代下女性产品的情感化设计研究

单位:武汉大学     作者:张晨,路由     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-07-28

摘 要:本文旨在研究“她经济”背景下女性产品中的情感化设计元素,促使设计更加贴近女性消费需求,为女性产品市场注入活力。通过了解“她经济”的市场背景,总结了“她经济”时代下的女性消费行为特点,结合女性产品案例以及情感化设计的不同维度对女性产品情感化的元素策略进行思考,得出可以通过设计贴近女性情感需求,提高女性消费欲望,以此提高企业在女性产品市场上的竞争力。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:through reflection upon the emotional design elements of female products in the "She-conomy" era, it is aimed in this paper to improve the women's product design so that it can better meet the women's consumption demand, and inject vatality into the women's product market. Based on the knowledge of the market background of "She-conomy" , the characteristics of women's consumption behavior in the "She-conomy" era was summarized. In combination with the women's product cases and different dimensions of emotional design, the strategy for the emotional elements of women's products was studied, leading to the conclusion that the deisgn should be improved in the aspect of emotional elements for better satisfaction of the women's emotional needs, boosting their consumption desire and increasing the competitiveness of enterprises in the women's product market.

Key Words:"She-conomy"; Emotional design; female products; Consumption behavior