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单位:中国矿业大学     作者:张良友     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-07-28

摘 要:本文以“意识流”的表现手法分析动画设计中的虚幻与想象,以表达人物内心深处的情感为目的展开研究,详细分析了“近似性剪接”实现画面转场、叙事空间营造、蒙太奇叙事四种具体表现手法,通过本文的研究与分析,可以借助“意识流”的创新思维,从人的潜意识出发呈现在动画设计之中,实现抽象的表达方式,使其更具象征意义。并以《罪与罚》为例,探讨意识流手法在动画设计中的应用。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In this paper, the expression of "stream of consciousness", analysis of the film is full of fantasy and imagination, can express the deep feelings of the characters as the purpose of the study, with the expression of "stream of consciousness", respectively according to the "approximate splicing" to achieve the screen transition, narrative space construction, montage narrative performance, through the research and analysis of this paper, the "stream of consciousness" animation works Innovative thinking, starting from people's subconsciousness, is presented in animated films to achieve abstract expression, which is more symbolic in the film presentation. And through "crime and punishment" as an example, discusses the application of stream of consciousness in animation design.

Key Words:animation; design; stream of consciousness; performance