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单位:南昌大学     作者:万莉,孟书琪     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-07-28

摘 要:目前,针对学龄前儿童进行的房屋空间规划还存在很多问题,没有考虑学龄前儿童的特征及性别进行针对设计。本文探讨学龄前儿童房空间规划应秉承的原则及儿童房空间规划设计思路,根据儿童的性别有针对性地划分并展开探究,希望为儿童房空间规划设计提供一定的借鉴。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:At present, there are still many problems in the housing space planning for preschool children, and the design does not take into account the characteristics and gender of preschool children. This article discusses the principles that should be followed in the space planning of preschool children's rooms and the ideas of space planning and design of children's rooms, and conducts research according to the children's gender, hoping to provide a certain reference for the space planning and design of children's rooms.

Key Words:preschool children; children's room; space planning and design